On to funner things! What a fun weekend we have had! Saturday I went to abuse my coupon to Liberty Land and did so quite well. To Jess, another super mom of triplets, yes we had fun and there was a lot for 2 year olds to do. But go while they are still 2 and get a coupon from me! We managed a whole day for the fam for $17. We went in the morning, went home and napped and then finished up in the evening. They really do let the munchkins ride on most everything, partially because we rode with them and partially because the have laxed safety standards and did not measure them to find they are not 36 inches but rather 34--I didn't know until after myself. But they did airplanes, a pirate ship, go-karts, squirting bumper boats (this way their favorite, we let them run the squirt button and we were all drenched most of the day, I can still here Carter little voice, 'Daddy, I'm gonna get you!'), mini-golf, the train, and rocket sort of thing. The big roller coaster was broken while we were there which was a bummer but we did have a lot of fun on the other stuff so it worked out. (Intermission there when my darling sister Cyndel ran my errands and brought me Chili's. Hooray! I am so full I am sick, all for the kids! How you ask, 100% of the profits at Chili's today goes to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. And I promised myself I would at least do that to help all my cancer kids but I forgot as I was worried about my feverish Carter and getting my visiting teaching done and the birthday invites out. But Cyndel saved the day and we had a lovely second dinner and dessert.) Anyway Liberty Land was very fun if your kids get in for free (2 and under). Here's some shots:
Monday, September 29, 2008
Our busy weekend and Odyssey owners beware!
On to funner things! What a fun weekend we have had! Saturday I went to abuse my coupon to Liberty Land and did so quite well. To Jess, another super mom of triplets, yes we had fun and there was a lot for 2 year olds to do. But go while they are still 2 and get a coupon from me! We managed a whole day for the fam for $17. We went in the morning, went home and napped and then finished up in the evening. They really do let the munchkins ride on most everything, partially because we rode with them and partially because the have laxed safety standards and did not measure them to find they are not 36 inches but rather 34--I didn't know until after myself. But they did airplanes, a pirate ship, go-karts, squirting bumper boats (this way their favorite, we let them run the squirt button and we were all drenched most of the day, I can still here Carter little voice, 'Daddy, I'm gonna get you!'), mini-golf, the train, and rocket sort of thing. The big roller coaster was broken while we were there which was a bummer but we did have a lot of fun on the other stuff so it worked out. (Intermission there when my darling sister Cyndel ran my errands and brought me Chili's. Hooray! I am so full I am sick, all for the kids! How you ask, 100% of the profits at Chili's today goes to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. And I promised myself I would at least do that to help all my cancer kids but I forgot as I was worried about my feverish Carter and getting my visiting teaching done and the birthday invites out. But Cyndel saved the day and we had a lovely second dinner and dessert.) Anyway Liberty Land was very fun if your kids get in for free (2 and under). Here's some shots:
Friday, September 26, 2008
Enjoying the Harvest Take 2

They set the beds up like this and then pretty well told me to go away. The best part is that they are laughing the whole time. They like to make each other laugh all of a sudden. Last week they couldn't go more than 15 minutes without fighting, this week playing and laughing--who knows? Lowell says they have been doing this with him for a while, but it's new to me. Some of their little jokes make me laugh, but not like they laugh, just because I am so out of the loop. They definitely have their inside jokes that make no sense to me. Just like they have their own language. Maybe having twins is starting to pay off? At first I felt a little left out, you know Mommy is supposed to be the coolest friend ever (Carter says no, Dadis is my best friend--how freaking cute is that!) but they still accept snuggles from me and are always generous in doling out the loves to everyone, the girls at the gym just love that. The first day I just sat back and watched waiting to be invited in, the next day I cleaned the fridge and have since moved onto the peaches. Whole new horizons of cleaning are opening to me . . .well, we'll see.
Then today I was so proud of them because they were good friends at the park. Lately they have been possessive and pretty mean to other kids so when we got to the park and 2 little girls were already playing I sat down and talked to them about being nice and being a friend. Davis walked right over to one of the cutie girls and said, Hi Friend! and took her hand. What a flirt! They played nicely with both girls and even took turns. They got them into their boo at the bottom of the slide game and everyone was having a good time. I am just so proud of the little monkeys, maybe 3 is going to be good. I rewarded them by taking them out to lunch (okay maybe I rewarded myself as I didn't feel like cooking, though it was quite late to get started as well).
So that's the good news at my house. I am also enjoying the music player I stole from some of your sites. I used to open up Scott or Jillian's blog and just play the music the whole day while I worked, but now I graduated to my own music. It is fun as my taste in music is so eclectic and I have thrown in some of the kids' favorite stuff as well. Simon and Garfunkel are making me smile right now as I write this. Music has such a positive effect on the soul. So plans for this weekend include: haircuts for the bubs, a day at Liberty Land whilst they are still free, a drive up the canyon with *hopefully* some good pics in the fall foliage, and trying church again on Sunday. My dad will be out for church so we may find a way to go say hi to him too, we'll have to see. He was out briefly today as well to meet with his boss but time was too short for us to join him. I was actually pretty blue about that for a while, but there are many more opportunities on the horizon. This half-way house thing has been frustrating but it is slowly getting better as he gets more privileges. Thanks for all the well-wishes to my dad, I have passed them along.
Well, pizza and another ER patient awaits, loves to all!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Daddy's home!
So it is nice to have him back but I do wish we could have him all the way already. A little at a time I guess. It was like he was never gone though, which is so odd since so much has changed in 32 months. So he technically has 3.5 months of half-way house time followed by home confinement but it is likely that the half-way house time with be significantly less. He will also be able to work and we can meet him for lunch and we are hoping he'll have some weekend time out as well, my kids' birthday party being a priority for me, but we'll see. Anyway, smiles from the Dodenbier clan tonight!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I was tagged by my awesome sister-in-law Becky, I always thought in-laws were supposed to be a dreaded thing, but in all honesty, I like my in-laws as much if not more than my own family at times! I always wanted an older sister, and now I have 2! They even tormented my husband as a child, which only endears them to me more! Seriously though, Lowell is the great husband and father that he is today in part due to older sisters, you guys rock. Anyway . . .here are 6 random things about me:
1. I like nectarines much better than peaches. I know they seem a lot alike, but nectarines are certainly far superior. It may have something to do with the fond memories of my childhood nectarine tree.
2. I am completely OCD about every little thing at work, but my organization skills at my house are definitely lacking. Just ask Lowell.
3. I check a dozen or so childhood cancer fighters blogs each time I work. I only know one of these kids in real life. I just was linked to one special little boy's (Julian who was on Stand up 2 cancer) page and his mom linked me to others and so on. It's really hard to quit on these kids, they are so amazing how they fight and what they go through. All I can offer is my prayers and support to their moms and that is all they ask for. Several of these little ones have passed on as I have read and it is heartbreaking. It is a reminder to me to be thankful for every moment with my kiddos.
4. I can never commit to a favorite food because I just like too many things too much.
5. I hate speed and drops. I am no fun at an amusement park. I think it is a loss of control that bothers me and that sinking feeling in your stomach.
6. I always go to the bathroom first thing in the morning before I go get my kids even if they are crying. You just never know with my kids when you are going to get another chance.
So there is more than you ever wanted to know about me! So I am supposed to tag 6 other people, let's see if I know 6 people: Cyndel, Kris, Lyndsie, Jillian (I think you may have already done this), and that's enough! Here's the rules:
Here are the rules:1. Link the person who tagged you.2. Post the rules on your blog.3. Write six random things about yourself.4. Tag six people at the end of your post.5. Let the tagged person know their life is ruined by posting on their blog.6. Confirm to the tagger (me) that you've posted.
One last thing, Becky yes I do want to know what your mental image for me is!
Since I am already here, I will share some shots from BJ's (my kid bro) wedding in May--he is a little delayed in getting them out.

So I had 3 days off from work and that just rocked. Wednesday I donated blood for the first time. I am such a baby, I hate needles and my veins aren't superb but a plea from Peyton's mom (another of my cancer kids, Peyton is 4 and has leukemia and in his part of the country the blood supply is so low that these cancer kids cannot get the blood they need) put me in action. My blood won't help those kids (the blood only stays local) but it was still a good thing to do and I am the one who hands those units out at the hospital, I have seen lives saved first hand, I could at least do this once. The poke wasn't near as bad as I thought, especially considering it was a 16 gauge needle! Yikes! The smaller the number the bigger the bore on the needle and the biggest we use is a 21, so 16 was a yikes for me. I filled up the bag in under 5 minutes thanks to that huge needle. And I wasn't dizzy like I thought I'd be after, I grabbed my juice and drove right home so Lowell could go. I was surprised at how tired I was the next 2 days though. Lowell and I have just been dragging, we even left the dishes over night, we never do that! Lots of water, a couple of good nights sleep, and a couple of naps (plus a thank you that I didn't have to work) later I am feeling pretty up to snuff. I did work out in the middle there because I never pass on an hour where someone else plays with my kids and I was surprised how easy it was to get my heart rate up.
I digress, so Thursday the boys and I drove grandma to the airport to go bring my Dad home. It brings me to tears every time just thinking about it and it will come to pass in 2 short days. Lowell will have to man the camera as I will be bawling. The boys loved seeing where the airplanes live and sleep and now every time they see one they ask if grandma is coming home.
Last night I decided we really needed to do something fun and different so we tried out Liberty Land, a new little park by our house. I had heard it was over-priced and it was, $6 for my kids to ride one ride which wasn't long or spectacular. But they told us to keep our tickets from that ride so we ended up playing mini-golf, riding the train, the planes, and a little rocket for $12.50. Not the best, but not awful either and the boys had fun. They liked to swing the club but didn't really grasp the idea of getting it in the hole. Not Tiger Woods yet, but it was family time and that makes me happy. I have a buy one get one free for a day pass and with it 2 years and under are free, so we'll do that next time before the bubs turn 3.
That's all for now, I work the next couple of days and then we all now what Monday will bring. I'll be here with pics and a smile on Tuesday.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Look, I'm crafty!
Monday, September 15, 2008
A short one

So my goal is for this to be a short one, but who knows. I think I like to hear myself type. So this weekend we celebrated the complete destruction of UCLA by BYU (59-0). This solidifies the cougs as a contending team this year, way to go cougars! I also enjoyed dinner with Lowell's fam and an abundance of bread, I just like bread at Chuck-A-Rama. We then picked up the new Nursery Manual which I would recommend to anyone with small kids. The new manual is called "Behold your little ones" and has similar lessons to the old manual (which I have taught from for 3+ of my 6 married years now) but I like the new one better. The pictures are right in the lesson and an "official" coloring page. They have done away with some of the "I am thankful for fish" type lessons and added "I can share" lessons. The reason I encourage everyone to get one and not just nursery teachers like me is because it is great for Family Home Evenings with little guys. We have been reading the Doctrine and Covenants reader for this year's lessons and though they do seem to get something from this, I think this will be better. Why I didn't think to use my old manual, I don't know! If I remember right it is $5.50 and if you don't have a distribution center by you, you can order it on the website and last I checked they even ship for free. There's my commercial for the day!
So I almost got to use my manual for the first time yesterday and even on my own kids. Gasp am I saying my "inactive" 2 year olds went to church for the first time in 9 months. Yep!
[A break taken here while my darling boys (all 3 of them) stopped off to bring me pie from grandpa Chad's birthday. Aren't I lucky? I love getting a little boy fix in the middle of a shift. Carter told me all about his "pumpkin teeth" (candy corn) and Davis was telling me about blowing out the candles on ba-pa's pie. I guess they just kept relighting the candles and letting them blow them out over and over. Such great grandparents to take the time to let 2 years be themselves. Mmmmm . . .pie . . .]
So they haven't been all year because of the time slot we are in. 1-4 is naptime and church. So my sister has been watching them while Lowell and I have enjoyed church. Anyway, the last 2 times the boys did not nap at all while we were gone but did once we impressed the idea upon them when we got home. So I figured they might as well go to church and get some exposure to it before they become sunbeams in January (yes, my tiny boys I can't believe it). They did okay, not great the first hour and less well the second. Davis was beside himself by the time Lowell took him to the car though Carter was hanging in there. After a one hour nap though he was a bear. He couldn't stand himself, throwing a fit at everything and just sobbing. Sigh! I'm ready to say that was a nice try let's try again next year, but Lowell thinks we need to keep trying. So next time we will try just one hour and then Lowell will take them home. It's too bad lesson and singing is in the second hour, because Carter kept talking about the lesson. They learned about Lazurus and he kept saying, 'Jesus say Wake up!'. It was cute to me that he got something out of it, it gives me hope that the rest of the kids are getting something out of my lessons.
Today grandma (my mom) wanted a "sick of work" day off so we went to the zoo. The munchkins were actually really good which is pretty hit or miss at the zoo. For those in the SLC area, the white alligator is leaving at the end of the month, so if you want to see him one last time, head on over. He is one of like 8 in the world, so worth saying you have seen him, even if in the dozen times I have seen him the most I have ever seen him do is blink. We didn't do the whole upper half of the zoo as the boys doubled back after the penguins, but that's okay I wanted them to have fun and today that meant more time at the park. I was oddly excited about the new Happy Meal toy on the way home, it was Batman lego toys. I have a bad habit of taking the boys out to lunch when I don't feel like cooking. I cook dinner at home most every night and am pretty consistent with that and serving healthy balanced meals. We eat breakfast at home too. But lately like twice a week I have taken the boys out to lunch. Just being lazy, I am going to work on it. So it's sad to admit how much I know about the toys in kid's meals right now (Burger King: Neopets plastic figure, pretty lame, Carl's Jr: Space Chimps, most toys look okay but we got the coloring book, McDonald's was lame Star Wars toys but now Batman (or Wizard of Oz girl toy), Sonic: no toy at all, the kids were not happy, we won't be back, Wendy's: Hasbro games, some okay but Battleship was a flop for 2 year olds, Arctic Circle and KFC: just a treat, no toy). And it is sad to admit that every time we pull up to a restaurant the boys say, chicken nuggets, drink, and toy please. They could pretty much order on their own.
Well, I knew I cursed myself by saying this would be a short one. Nothing to say but I still can ramble :). It comes from working alone, it really does. After my phlebotomist Ev leaves at 6, I have almost 12 hours in this little room all by myself. Blogging just seems more sane than talking to myself and better for journaling for the boys. Thanks for bearing with me! :)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thankful Thursday (a day late!)
1. I am thankful it is Friday and this weekend I am off! We will be going to dinner for Lowell's dad's birthday and playing as a family.
2. I am thankful for all the amazing babysitting helpers we have. My darling sis Cyndel will be tending the boys so we can go to dinner. We are eating at Chuck-A-Rama (why do so many buffets have the word "chuck" in them???) and it is such a bummer to go to a buffet and have to leave after one plate. Lowell's mom and sis, his bro and his wife, my 2 sisters--they all do so much to help with the munchkins and always do it for free. I am so spoiled! My kids too, they are very lucky to be so close to so many good people who care about them, I'd have to add my bro Robbie to the above list on that one, he doesn't care to babysit them but he does come over almost every week just to visit with them.
3. I am thankful for good food even if my figure is not. It has been a never ending battle since I finished breastfeeding the boys, but honestly considering how I eat sometimes I am grateful I have kept a steady weight for so long. I wish it would go the other way, but at least it isn't going up.
4. I am grateful for MOM (moms of multiples)'s night outs. Wednesday I got to go out with the girls and play wii until the wee hours of the morning (well, past midnight but that is quite late for this little mama). It was fun to get out, visit, eat, goof off on rock band, and gave me the peace of mind the next day to not beat my children after they picked all my tomatoes off the plants--they were of course green still and the only ones I have gotten to grow all year :(.
5. I think Thankful Thursday is supposed to be 4 things, but I cannot list #4 without being thankful for Lowell. He is such a sweetie to let me go to mom's nights out. He rarely gets to go out but always even encourages me to go. He puts the boys down on his own almost every night (since I am usually at work), cleans the whole house--it is always so clean when I get home, and gets up with the kids when they fuss in the night. There are many more reasons I am grateful for Lowell, but for today I am thankful he lets me go to mom's night out.
Thanks Jillian, that was fun to do. So here's my new favorite shots of the kiddos, I actually put these in place of the other 2 side shots on their birthday invite (ordered today, woohoo! I still love Artscow, I got 50 4X6s, 50 5x7s, 3 8X10s, 2 photo dog tags, and a hard cover 20 page photo book for under $30). This was taken after shopping last week, I let the boys choose a donut if they were good (they unloaded the whole cart for me, so they got their treat). Carter chose chocolate of course and Davis actually chose something else, but Carter's (and my) donut leaked onto his.

Let's see, congrats to my cousin Chelsea and her fiance today on their wedding reception. I am here so I can't go but I am excited for them nonetheless. They are actually getting married next week, but had a reception today. Good luck to the Cougar football team tomorrow! We went to Farm Country on Wednesday night and it was so nice. The weather has been perfect and we were the only ones there. I love the feed the little goats, and Lowell loves the ducks. The boys like everything, but especially like the chickens and rabbits (there were 6 little white baby rabbits, so cute!). Today I wanted to go to a different park than usual so we took a blast to the past and went to the park I always took them to as little guys. We have now lived in our new house for almost a year and a half, so they were 18 months when we moved. I am surprised how often we still went to the park considering their age, but we did go quite often and were lucky in our old neighborhood to have so many options for parks. Our new neighborhood actually has just as many, we are still lucky! It made me reflect on our time there and how much I miss my old neighbors, they were just the best. The boys took off running on me, one of my biggest pet peeves, but it turned out to be a nice walk. The weather again was so delightful and I love to watch those silly boys run. Just looking at their backs as they ran off made me smile today, I am so grateful for their health and strength and their friendship with each other and with me. Everyone who knows them comments on how loving and cuddly they are. That is just how it is in our house, lots of hugs and kisses. It was a good moment, almost made up for Carter getting up and wanting to stay up at 6:30 this morning (less than an hour after I got home from work).
T-10 days until Ba-pa returns. I have been showing the boys pics of him to remind them and today Davis gave the picture a big hug and talked about how he wants to play with grandpa. It makes me want to cry and be bitter about those who have deprived my kids of 32 months of their grandpa, but I will try to instead be so happy that he is coming home and will have many more months ahead with them and other grandkids that come into our family (meaning to my siblings, we'll see about us). I am just so excited! I think I'll get to some work I ought to do (or check up on some blogs :p ). Happy weekend to you all, I hope the weather is as lovely for you as it is here (and blessings to those in Ike's path).
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Are my "siamese twins" growing or what?

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Long overdue Yellowstone video
P.S. I wanted to mention that tomorrow night on the 3 big networks they will be playing a show called Stand up 2 cancer. I encourage everyone to watch or record it. There is supposed to be a reading and a picture of a little boy (Julian) whose story I followed and who broke my heart when he passed away. So if you get a chance, watch it and keep all the little ones fighting the dreaded disease of childhood cancer in your prayers. Thanks!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Birthday card take 1

So, I am sick, again! Ugh! Seriously I am never sick, this has been no fun. I am not patient with it either, I am such a baby. So today in my sickened state I decided to do some fun stuff with the kids to keep me going and they rewarded me with some cute pics. That is the best gift they could give me, it makes me so happy. I feel like my head is going to explode, but man I have cute kids! We made cookies today, I bought a big tub of cookie cutters and thought that would be a fun project, like play doh but edible. I'll post those pics another time, but it was fun if messy. They really got a kick out of it and certainly enjoyed the eating part. We made one with a D, A, and D cookie shapes and decorated it and Lowell thought that was fun. The cutters I got include all the letters and numbers, so we may have more time with those for learning time. They also did pretty good with potty training today. I am finding that as long as they are bare bottomed they will hold it or go on the potty, they don't want to just pee on the floor (thank you). But if they have anything on their bottoms they have accidents. So we have spent a lot of time with bare bums at my house! But they went all morning with just one accident from Davey when he had some shorts on (I figured that would be appropriate for playing outside, bare bums and slides don't mesh well). The pics are from the outside visit today when I was laying dying under the big tree (aren't I dramatic?) and the monkeys came to cheer me up, so I was tickling them and had the camera in my pocket. I liked them so much I made a mock up of their birthday invite, what do you all think? It is off center intentionally, when you print it as a 5x7 it cuts off the edge. It is only a month away, so much to do still! I bought the cake pans today, we are having a caterpillar cake which I believe takes 8 full cake mixes. It is not a small cake! Cake is cheap, it makes a good photo--that's priceless to me! I am very much deliberating between doing Thanksgiving Point's garden party or having fun there and then going back to my house. I thought it would be so much cheaper going to my house after but after adding up all the treats, plates, etc I am reconsidering. I am also working on Lowell's big 30 birthday party which is just one week after the boys'. I hate to skimp on his party just because I am busy planning the boys', so I just start sooner. I would add more details, but he reads this and I have some fun plans that will be a surprise. It is not a surprise party, but the theme will be. Being me I am also in full Christmas planning mode. So much fun things to research online, so little time to actually work (bummer :p). Actually today has been quiet at work thankfully, I think I will go pass out for a while.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Labor Day!

So if you made it to the end of that story, yea for you! I am glad I have it written down though and it is fun to think back on. This week has been a lot of the same for us, running around, playing, potty training, the usual. The weather changed much cooler today even with snow on thw mountains. Cooler weather is coming so we are trying to make the most of the time we have. I am loving dressing the boys in new stuff even if it is too big, I need a 2.5 T size. I hope fall is good and long here, I just love it as a season. The trees changing, football, the crisp in the air, halloween, what a fun time of year. Happy fall blessings on you and yours!