Cyndel was off for Fall break and was very gracious to join us in visiting the Tracy Aviary to see our Fine Feathered Friends. I drive by Liberty Park on my way to the zoo all the time, but I didn't realize how cool it is. We really need to go back and explore some more. We parked and immediately were surrounded by ducks and geese. Cyndel who has a slight phobia of birds (how much does she love her nephews to go to an aviary anyway?) wasn't so sure about them but the boys were excited. I was completely unprepared but a very sweet mom whose little one was too scared gave us their bread so we got to Feed our Feathered Friends.
Later my parents were gracious enough to take the munchkins to the Scarecrow Festival and give Lowell a little break. What a wonderful treat I am sure! (I was at work). According to my folks the boys just loved it, ran and ran and had a great time. We went again the next night (because my sisters were working and we could get in for Free--yes that is my Favorite F word) and I have to admit I found it mediocre and not worth the money they were asking for it, but since it was Free to us, it was a Fabulous time.
For our Final F, the boys got to test out the Fishing poles they got for their birthdays. We went to Vivian Park where there is a little stream where only 12 and under can fish (and for Free).
C man
Big D
Our sweet Grandma who is a master fisherwoman and came to tie the lines and show us how to cast.
Lowell (he has just taken up fishing himself) helping Davis.
I have to say my 4 year olds don't quite understand the concept of fishing. Well, really they don't understand waiting. Or that fishing is about sitting quietly and enjoying the outdoors. They wanted to cast and then reel in then cast, etc with no space between. And they wanted to play on the playground and forget about fishing. Luckily it didn't take too long for Davis to get a bite.
Doesn't his face just show how excited he is? He really thought it was cool to have caught a fish.
The proud little fisherman. Not a bad size fish for where we were fishing either. And here is why I don't think I will be going with them again, why the boys and Daddy can have this as their little hobby that they don't tell mommy about. I look at that pic and see a proud Davis, but also a sad little fish gasping for air and being held up by hooks in his throat. Seriously can't you just see the hooks digging into his flesh? So sad. Of course I wanted to throw him back and luckily we were able to do so safely. The hook was masterfully removed by grandma with a special little tool and he was dropped back in the stream. He seemed to be in shock and bleeding a little bit (from being dropped on his way back in) but he picked up speed and the bleeding stopped (whew!). I then asked Carter and Davis what they wanted for dinner and they both said, fish! Grandma I think was a little disappointed too. The boys and I had a little chat about how it was better that the fish was happily swimming in the stream now. I guess I am a California hippie at heart. I hate to think of animals hurting or being killed, especially by me. Sure I eat meat, but animals that are raised for that and I don't have to kill them. Anywho, the 3 boys can still fish, but I think it best if they don't tell me about it.
Moving on, here are some Fun extras from this week:
Lowell had a birthday as I posted earlier and we were able to go redeem his gift certificate to go indoor sky diving. The boys got to watch their daddy Fly. :)
Lowell and the instructor in the wind tunnel
My camera was having issues with the glass, but I think you get the idea
Horrible flash, but cute Lowelly face. He said he had fun but it was too short, just 2, 1 minute sessions. Believe me, even that was not cheap. Next my sis Hillary was so kind to watch the boys so Lowell and I could go out to dinner. Good times.
And just because here are my cuties on a rainy day:
And the cake they insisted we make for Daddy, good thinking guys!
Now back to G week, already in progress . . .
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