We had a good Thanksgiving as usual, ate way too much which was surprisingly little. I didn't take big portions, it's just that we had 2 full thanksgivings and I had a Beto's breakfast burrito as my solace for lack of sleep and it all added up. This has been a tiring holiday for me, between all the call at work and of course 3 am wake up call on Black Friday I have just been trashed. Tonight I will get my first full night of sleep in 5 days, hopefully!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy Holidays!
We had a good Thanksgiving as usual, ate way too much which was surprisingly little. I didn't take big portions, it's just that we had 2 full thanksgivings and I had a Beto's breakfast burrito as my solace for lack of sleep and it all added up. This has been a tiring holiday for me, between all the call at work and of course 3 am wake up call on Black Friday I have just been trashed. Tonight I will get my first full night of sleep in 5 days, hopefully!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The picture says it all . . .
So to go on with our great week Sunday night Lowell was working on our humidifier which didn't seem to be working when a burning odor came up through the vents. Then the furnace stopped working. Monday we had the furnace guy over and he says it will be $300 for a part to be replaced. So much for saving money, every time you put some away it gets eaten up. Part is in, turns out it didn't fix it so you'll need another part, now pushing $1000 or you can get a new furnace. He suggested new because ours was 10+ years old. That's strange I said, the house is only 6 years old. I guess either the builder or the people who owned the house before us put a used heater in. That's great. So we just went with the new furnace hoping for less troubles in the future. Can't get it until the next day though so day 2 without heat and we are getting chilly. Luckily we have had a lovely mild November and some extra blankets, footed PJs, and a space heater took care of us okay. Tuesday I went grocery shopping with the kids and my dad and it was horrible! I guess I shouldn't have combined 2 days of no nap and poor night time sleep, with steroid let down, with lunch and nap time. It was bad. I come home to the furnace guys thumping away and guess what, exhausted kids won't sleep again. It's getting pretty late and they are still at it and I still need a turkey so what does crazy me do? Take the kids to the store again! Hillary and Cyndel helped but it wasn't great. Hill and I took the boys to McD and they did okay except the lovely McD folks just plain forgot about us so it was a long time to eating and of course my impatient children thought playing outside in the drive thru would be more fun than the play place (????) but did NOT want to leave and made sure everyone there knew that. Finally home again to a warm and quiet house, so much to be thankful for! And I am a little ashamed to admit it, but this was one time we really needed it, I gave the munchkins some Benadryl and they knocked right out without a peep and slept in this morning. Today I am thankful for Benadryl! The last couple of days Davis has been begging to play golf, I don't know why, but Hill came with us to Trafalga today. I have a coupon (of course) so we played a round and played at the arcade for $8. The boys were actually quite good other than leaving even if they really have no clue about golf.
Carter with his tickets, woohoo!
What we spent the most time doing, throwing the ball in an opening and running to see where it went.
A short lived attempt at putting.
We had lunch with grandma and that brings us up to date! Seems like such a long week already and it is only Wednesday! But things are looking up, tomorrow I am taking a "by-day" on my diet and enjoying a truly fabulous eating holiday! I actually work from tonight all the way until we eat at noon tomorrow, but it will be worth it. We'll have a traditional thanksgiving complete with an always excellent turkey and my mother-in-law's pumpkin pie that no I will not eat and yes, they surprisingly have still allowed me to be in the family. Then we'll take a lovely nap and repeat with a less traditional steak dinner with my fam. Just for kicks I am throwing in the tradition with a turkey (my dad won't eat it) and sweet potatoes (most won't eat it, but this is Jessica's recipe from UVMOM and it is excellent!). That is a heck of a lot of food for one day. And I'll get a free turkey dinner from the hospital while I am on call, so I'll put that in the fridge and have it Saturday. The gift that keeps on giving.
Friday is the big day for us shoppers, Black Friday. I have been checking out the ads for weeks and am still finalizing my game plan, including secrets like going to the Payson WalMart and having WalMart match other ads, thus avoiding the big tickets items at that store. I also have 4 people in my arsenal this year so we can divide and conquer. Should be fun!
I just wanted to say that I am very thankful this year, even though I may not want to repeat this week. I am so so thankful for my Savior and that all this isn't meaningless, that families are forever and there is so much glory in store for us. I am thankful my Heavenly Father sent me to my family and to my husband and his family and that He sent us our boys. I am grateful we are all healthy and well and warm, much too well fed and comfortably clothed. I have some great old and new friends who all mean the world to me. I really don't have that many friends, so the ones I do have mean that much more. You uplift and carry me on tough days and bring a smile to my face even on great days. Far too many of you live far away but I still think of you almost daily and smile. I hope I can be the type of friend to you as you have been to me. You know who you are! (Hint: if you actually read this blog, it's probably you!). I am thankful today that a little guy we draw blood on frequently who was literally at death's door for his first birthday, got the liver transplant he so desperately needed. And it was because friends of theirs lost their daughter. It was a miracle she was a match and it just made my day today to know that sweet little guy will make it to his second birthday. I am thankful for my job and for the financial stability it provides my family. I used to be grateful we were debt-free (minus house and one car), dang new furnace, but I am grateful we had an emergency credit card and that my house is again warm. May god bless all of you this Thanksgiving holiday! Loves!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Here we go marching 2 by 2 hoorah hoorah! Year 3 video!
Croup strikes again!
Another busy week culminating with two trips to the doc in one day. Sigh. Our weekend went well, Saturday night Lowell went to dinner for his mom's b-day and I took the boys up to have dinner with my dad. Oh that reminds me of the best news! My dad will be released to home confinement this Wednesday! As with so many things involving his incarceration, this is not as easy as it sounds (he has to send in an intinerary for every day and can only go to the places on it, plus he has to call when he leaves, call when he gets there, check in at the half-way house twice a week . . .) but it is still a step in the right direction. January 6th he will be off home-confinement, he'll still have to check in with a probation officer but he won't have to call to go to the park down the street. The whole thing is still so ridiculous given the circumstances, but he is going to home confinement sooner than we had hoped so this is great news. He'll be home for all of Thanksgiving and Dutch Christmas and Christmas of course. Such a blessing! Anyway . . .Sunday we had cake at grandma's (the boys think it is a birthday every time we see grandma and it almost is, Lowell's fam has a lot of winter birthdays, lots of cake!). Tuesday we had lunch with my dad and tried out tennis, the boys seemed interested in it so we played a little. Here's some pics.
Davis playing Mario Kart on the wii (we played Elefun in the background as well)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
A time to be wary . . .and times to have fun.
Okay, doom and gloom aside I'll get on to our week. Sunday we took a nice hike up to Bridal Veil Falls. The boys loved being out and we brought Max, one of our dogs, and of course he was thrilled. Here are some shots:
Backing up a day, Saturday we went to the aquarium and then Lowell and I had a date lunch. We tried out the new Paradise Cafe in American Fork. I enjoyed it, though it was a little trendy and spendy. I recommend the cookies. Sunday we also played with my family as well as Saturday afternoon. Tuesday we had lunch with grandpa and Davis went to the dino museum with Lowell and Carter and I went shopping. We got a cake mix to make on Wednesday.
It seems like all I have done this week is work, it has been busy at work which is good for money but bad for sleep. We did go to Toys R Us last night to let the boys window shop a bit. I picked up a few things on sale and have gotten most everything else already taken care of. It's good to have something done and I have to say, the kids' gifts are at the top of the list. I have half of Lowell done and good ideas for the rest of the gifts I need to get. Waiting for the Black Friday sales to finalize. In light of current events I am trying to slim down my gifts, but I am bad at it, I love Christmas!
No real plans for the weekend since I will be working. I think that brings us up to date! Oh, I'll end with a little story Carter told me at the store the other day, he was flipping through a book and was "reading" it to me: "Once upon a time there was a monster and a duck. They said, Come in. Then they shut the door. They made Halloween pumpkins. It was scary." I love their little imaginations!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Addicted to Artscow
I keep forgetting my camera . . .
The Man in my Life
What's your husband's name? William Lowell Penrod
How long have you been married? 6 years, 2 months, 3 weeks (we got married close together Scott)
How long did you date? We met March 2001 and were married August 2002, so 17 months with 12 of them as an engaged couple. I was doing my internship and my parents asked us to wait a year (thinking maybe it would change our minds I guess, they couldn't have been more wrong and have since apologized).
How old is he? 30
Who eats more sweets? On a diet or not . . .we both like the sweets, I eat more candy and Lowell drinks more Soda.
Who said "I Love You" first? I did. Lowell made me. Stinker.
Who is taller? Lowell.
Who is smarter? Lowell would call this a "loaded question". Book smarts I may be ahead on though I think Lowell is very smart that way, but he definitely has more common sense than me.
Who does the laundry? Lowell, he rocks! He washes and I fold and put it away (or it builds for weeks at a time until I finally get around to it!).
Who pays the bills? We each have bills that we pay. We still have separate accounts, just works for us and we each are responsible each month for our own things.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Lowell.
Does he snore? Sometimes, apparently I do too but I don't buy it.
What does he do in his spare time? There is no spare time for the father of 3 year old twins. He does like to catch a movie once in a while though and play his Wii. Most of his "spare" time is spent working on the house or the yard.
Who mows the lawn? Lowell, I am allergic to grass (or as a neighbor would say, allergic to work.) We have a rider now so it's not so bad, except that he also Weed-Eats each week and mows the front with the push mower.
What is his favorite candy bar? Reese's cups
Who cooks dinner? Me. Lowell is a great help if I ask though. He is more of a stick to the recipe exactly kind of guy and I am the throw this in and see how it turns out one.
Who drives? Lowell drives when we are together, I make him nervous.
Who is the first to say they are wrong? Hmmm . . .we're both pretty stubborn, not sure we ever admit we were wrong, just make up and move on.
Who kissed who first? Lowell kissed me, our third date. I kept dropping hints for him to hold my hand, which he finally did and then kissed me that night to. He said holding my hand made him more nervous than kissing. Oh well, he's still good at it, that's what counts right?
Who asked who out first? We met on a blind date set up by my cousin.
Who wears the pants? We share the pants pretty evenly I think. We both work full-time and chase the munchkins full-time. It works well for us.
Does he say he loves you every day? Yes, and he always makes me laugh.
I tag Kristina, Kristen, and Jillian.
P.S. I keep forgetting, yes I really got the bulldozers for $1. I also got some cars and planes. They were on sale but check them out, it was a good deal. We also got little ceramic pieces to paint that were $1 with 2 pieces in the set and all the paint and brushes. The boys are going to give them away as "gifts"--just getting the idea mostly, if you are a recipient, don't feel obligated to keep it! And yes, the monkey did hit Carter in the head, but he was under the fence where he wasn't supposed to be.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
A dark day and a couple of pretty good day
Anyway, Tuesday night it was too late for the zoo by the time the bubs were up from nap, so we went to the dino museum instead. Good times. Then the down side to the day, although not unexpected I was very disappointed, scared, disheartened, etc. to watch the election results. I am still rather anxious and depressed about the whole thing. I know there are varying views on the matter and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but in my opinion this is a very dark day for America. When someone with very little experience, very questionable connections, and down-right scary plans for the country can be elected so easily, it makes me very sad. For the record, it is not a race thing for me. If McCain or any other official with political views similar to mine were black, Asian, hispanic, etc. I would vote for them based on their views and ambitions. My dislike (hate may not be too strong of a word) for Obama is not based on the color of his skin but rather what he has said, how he has acted, and what he has planned for my country. I love this country but I am pretty upset at 52% of its voters right now. And also for the record, although the electoral college made the race appear a "landslide", getting 52% of the vote is not a landslide. I am quite seriously reconsidering plans right now, Disney is on hold. Lowell is more optimistic than I am, but if half of what Obama, not to mention the completely Democrat, heaven help us, government has planned comes to pass, our economy which is already struggling will be in shambles so now is the time to buckle down and do what we can to ride out the storm. Not to mention the terrorist attacks I am expecting or a number of other backlashes from this turn of events. I am just so darn scared and upset. I cannot look at that man on the TV. I am back to Food Network all the time, I just can't face it right now. Time to get out of politics again! There are a couple of silver linings to my dark day. 1, Proposition 8 was passed in California, definitely a moral victory and 2, this puts Romney in a good position in 2012. Hard to see the light, but I will take what I can get. I'll just keep praying that God will save our great nation from itself. To console myself Tuesday night I had a scoop of low-fat, no sugar added ice cream and did a Dance Dance Revolution work out. I have to say the work out was more helpful.
Okay, 'nuff said about that. I have tried to keep politics out of the blog, this is about two mischievious little boys after all, but this is also my sounding board and a record for their future, so in light of historical preservation, there you go. There won't be much more discussion of this matter.
Onto happier things. Wednesday morning the boys and I finished their bulldozer project. These come in a little kit at Michael's for $1 and include all the wood, glue, paint, and paintbrush. I am going to go get some more. Here is the finished project, I guess they like black . . .
Also on Wednesday the monkeys had a dentist appointment, and silly me didn't bring my camera. I was afraid of being "that mom that takes pics of everything and then blogs about it". I should have just faced the fact that I could have a name tag that read that and brought it anyway. They did SO good. I was very proud of them, it is not often I get to be proud of their good behavior so I was loving it! They did their Xrays and full cleanings with no complaints, except for when we were leaving! They wanted to stay there and play with the toys and watch the movies. We go to a really fun office. Their teeth looked good too, a little tight but no cavities and the little spot of missing enamel Carter had last time is gone, so yeah! One funny thing, Davey boy was in the chair and the dental assistant put the water in his mouth to rinse the cleaning paste off. He just sat there and drank and drank, he wouldn't let her stop. Then when she was done and was rinsing and suctioning, every time she took one of the tools out, he would reach up and put it back in. All the time watching the show in the ceiling, just kind of nonchalantly reaching. We all laughed and I finally made him stop. I guess he likes the dental tools. We then played at the park (yep in the snow) and then I went to the UVMOM thanksgiving dinner preview. Always a blast to chat with you gals and rock out on Rock Band--thanks for the good eats and good company!
Today my mom took off so she could be home for a home inspector from the half-way house, they have to check for drugs, guns, whatever before he can come home. That wasn't until the afternoon, so this morning we fulfilled Davis's wish to go see the animals. I love the zoo in the winter. So quiet and the animals are so outgoing and easy to find since they are inside. Here's some shots.
Carter with Acara, they are close in age so I have enjoyed watching this little gal grow. I have a video of this later.
Now I am just feeling hot and tired, not a good sign. I also have a stye that is driving me nuts, too much stress! I think some sicky is right around the corner and I better try and sleep it off. Wish me luck!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Crabby Patty
Actually today hasn't been that bad. I am just laughing at myself and my self-pity. So this year we carved our pumpkins the day after Halloween. Just didn't seem to get it in the schedule any earlier. Can I just say those tiny little carving tools they give you are useless? I spent an hour on my pumpkin with my bent little knife cursing that I let Davis choose the spider while Carter just chose a face. Next year I am coming up with a better plan. Here were the results:
Davis would pull out the seeds with his hands, but he wasn't a big fan of it either.
Oh well, another year of pumpkins come and gone, but it was a very fun year and I love Halloween with 3 year olds. They can get away with marching right into everyone's house, commenting on what they are watching on TV, and then taking a handful of candy just to make a cute face at the candy-giver and get more. These stinks have the system down. Well, it was candy, and they are my kids.
In Utah the day after Halloween marks the beginning of Christmas music on the radio so the boys have been asking for "snowman" and "Jesus songs" instead of the typical repeat of a Baby Einstein DVD. Today they asked me if we could go to the church and see Santa, it is going to be a l o n g holiday season. I do love this time of year though and enjoy the music so I will just have to try and tide the enthusiasm for a while. Though I am learning Santa is a helpful person to have around when you want your children to behave or even potty train. I am working on "Santa only brings presents to little boys who wear underwear all the time". Worked today, they've got almost 2 months, it could happen!
Tomorrow we are going to try to go to the zoo, since after gym today Davis was insistant that he needed to go 'see the animals', we're also having lunch with my dad and making the trek to the elementary school next to us to vote. Wednesday is their dentist appointments and the UVMOM thanksgiving preview dinner, so yea for us! Well, have a good night all, I am going to go have an apple and a big glass of water. Sigh.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!




That'll do, I wrestled with them for quite some time to get a shot of both of them, but much bribing and pleading and tears led to only one pic and it isn't even worth posting. Oh well. They are darn cute in the 2 I got though . . .




We'll be working through that for a while. Finally, I got some brief video of the boys I thought I would share. They were so silly and hyper, and also so tired, they are definitely harder to understand when they are tired. Also note that I do have a video camera that is just fine, but it is a hassle to upload from so you are stuck with the low quality video from my digital camera. Deal with it! ;p