Weds-Had Whitney, Jordan and kiddos over for a swimming play date. Good fun! That night we had an in-home date night. We got take out Texas Roadhouse and ate it after the kiddos went to bed and then stayed up to watch Alice in Wonderland. I'll take my dates any way I can get them! The movie was interesting and a little dark, but good.
Thursday-Went to the twin play date in Spanish Fork--Davis had a sore foot from jumping off the swingset, but managed to play fairly well as long as it had an Ace bandage on it. It has since healed completely. I had a good time visiting with friends and the kids did too.
Friday-Went to the gym then in the evening on a great tip from Brooke we checked out Silver Lake, up Big Cottonwood Canyon near Solitude and Brighton ski resorts. What a lovely hike! It was a flat easy hike, gorgeous, peaceful, and cool. The temperature change alone makes it worth a return trip--these pics show the other reason we'll be going back:
Saturday I had the wonderful opportunity to go to the temple with my dad. If you've been around a while you'll know that my dad went to prison for 3 years for "Conspiracy to defraud the government" which he didn't even do, but that's another very long story. He was indicted with that charge before I got married nearly 8 years ago and has been unable to attend the temple ever since. So this was the first time I ever got to go with him. My brother and his wife were there as well and it was a great experience. Can't wait to go back with more of my family there.
Monday we went to Lagoon, mostly Lagoona Beach. And I went by myself, 7 months pregnant with 2 busy little boys--patting myself on the back a little. And came home rather sunburnt. The cool pool was lovely though--the rest was just too hot (I skipped Lagoon today for just that reason).
Tuesday we saw The Tale of Despereaux, our fav summer movie so far. That evening was a T-ball game and Tara was kind enough to cover me at work so I could go. This game schedule has been lousy with my work schedule.
Wednesday we had Reva and A&A up for a play date and jam making day. So fun, the boys bounced from pool to slip-and-slide to trampoline and back and were thrilled to have their best buddies over. I got to visit and make wonderful jam thanks to Reva's yummy recipe and raspberry connections. Mmmm, I can't get enough of that jam, thanks Reva! That night I got to go to the temple again (thanks Dinda) with Lowell since we couldn't arrange a sitter on Saturday. It always amazes me just how restful a session can be (if a little nerve-racking hoping to make it 2 hours without needing to use the bathroom!). We also got to go to dinner after, wonderful date night!
Thursday we went to the new Highland Splash Pad with the twin club. It was hot and busy but the boys had a great time and I enjoyed visiting as always. If it weren't for my kids' friends I'm not sure I'd get adult visiting very much!
Friday we went to the gym (still loving the Kids Fit class) then prepared for my BFF from childhood to come for a visit. Unfortunately she was in town for a funeral, but it was still nice to see her family for a little while.
Saturday the boys (Kris has 3 on top of my 2) had the best time playing wii, guns (whatever they could find in the basement) and then rotating through the backyard play activities. My boys were a bit cranky as they got up too early but wouldn't stop playing. They so enjoy having people over. (I forgot they also had T-ball that morning and pics with their team).
In the afternoon we all went up to see Temple Square.
We had a family camp out planned that night and while we still went up for dinner, Lowell and I made the executive decision that our already overly tired boys would not do well sleeping in a tent. And their overheated and tired parents weren't in the mood to fight with them either! Plus I can't imagine I would have slept that well on an air mattress, I don't even sleep that well in a bed right now. It was disappointing not to stay, but dinner was still fun and ever-so-yummy (tin foil dinner with fresh from our garden zucchini and squash!).
Sunday I ended up sleeping through all of church. I guess I was tired, it was totally unintentional. When the boys got home we had lunch and then I took another nap! We all did and woke up feeling so much better. We headed back up to the cool of the canyon and to visit Lowell's fam who happened to be camping at the same place as my family was the night before.
Lowell and Davis (in a hoodie!) and the view from the site.
My cutie boys--I love it!
My giant S'more, using only 1 giant marshmallow (and a Reese's cup)
The bubbas roasting marshmallows with grandpa (Carter had a potty malfunction trying to pee on a tree . . .). Davis has one on the giant mallows. They could camp every single night and never be happier. I wish we had more time for hiking but someone slept the day away . . .
Today as I mentioned we skipped Lagoon for heat reasons, so we went to the dino museum instead (air conditioned=good). We got to check out the new light exhibit that just opened and the boys really enjoyed it (as with everything there).
Davis seeing through red glasses. They were really good in the whole museum, we haven't been that often with everything else we've been doing. And it seems like ages since we went to the gardens--I'll put it on my to do when it is not so hot list! We came home, had snow cones and lunch and I made a list of all the baby clothes I have now and their sizes. I have gotten really lucky on ebay and have outfitted little sis pretty well for not very much at all--like 30+ pieces each for 0-3 and 3-6 for $20-30 per lot. $1 or less per item is a score in my book, and they are nice too, almost all Carter's. I need a bit more in the newborn category, onesies, socks, and some hair stuff and we should be set. 2 months from tomorrow, getting there a little at a time. She's slowing down a little as space is running out, but she is also pushing harder as she gets stronger. I still feel sick every morning (even with Zofran) and live for my Prilosec. I have been having some pretty good bone pain, struggle to sleep, have frequent indigestion, and pretty strong contractions (Braxton-Hicks) every hour. We've pretty much decided on Claire Elise for this little gal and get more excited every week to meet her.
To end with, here's my little T-ball boys. Loves to all!
Glad you liked Silver Lake! That splash pool looks awesome! We may have to try it out!
I'm sorry I haven't been on your blog in such a long time. In general, I shy away from pregnant people's blogs and Facebook pages...I'm sure that you understand. It's very very difficult for me. There's so much happiness in these places with the excitement of a new baby and I just cannot share in that, so it's easier for me to just stay away.
Anyway I was feeling particularly strong today and thought I'd see how you were all doing. Thanks again, so much, for allowing us to stay with you. Your hospitality is wonderful. We love you all.
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