Saturday, May 29, 2010
On turning 30
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The end of May
Friday we went grocery shopping. Thanks to Cyndel for helping, no thanks to my kids for their horrid behavior. Shopping will have to be rearranged in the future to not include them. They did make up for it by picking this lovely weed bouquet for me:
Their 2010 soccer pics, Davis
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Oh Spring, where art thou?
Anywho, Mother's Day went well. Saturday I got to keep my tradition of having lunch at the Trellis Cafe with my mom. That is the cafe overlooking the gardens and we always sit outside near the edge where a tree is always in bloom with delicious smelling blooms. We casually eat and visit basking in the beauty of the place. Ahhh. Then we shopped at the Beehive Bazaar they had going that weekend and I bought the first couple of things for baby sister. We also picked up my mom's picnic table and a Great Harvest gift basket for her and my mother-in-law. Sunday Lowell brought me breakfast in bed and sent me to church while he got the boys ready. We had a nice church service and then took a drive up the canyon (he knows me so well :)). A delicious dinner and dessert followed and just a restful day. I mentioned on my facebook post that every day is Mother's Day at our house which is true. Sleeping in is not an unusual thing for me nor is getting an extra nap. And not just when I'm pregnant either. Having the house cleaned and lunch prepared is nothing new either, my amazing hubby does that all the time. I am so blessed--he gets better every year--and somehow he still wants me around. It was nice to reflect on being a mother during sacrament meeting. There is something different about mother's day when you are pregnant. Like the act of being a mother is so forefront since I am using so much of my metabolic processes to grow a little one. I am certainly not a stellar mother, but this year I could feel actively involved in the process of mothering--the opportunity I have to join the Father in bringing spirits to this earth.
So, for another rainy week, we spent a fair amount of time inside. The boys begged me to build the K'nex set my parents had gotten them for Christmas. Yes it is May and I have managed to put it off until now. That's because it is 1500+ pieces made for ages 9+. I realized in the 3 finger sore days that followed that the joy in these sets is in the assembling, but the boys couldn't help and I was not joying in it. I also was frustrated by the fact that there were no spare pieces (c'mon!). But Davis sure looks proud of "his" finished products doesn't he?
Davis on a rhino statue, Carter is behind him
Carter too
Friday, May 7, 2010
What a full, fabulous week
Even better--while I was gone Lowell took our old cribs back to Baby Depot as they had been recalled. Hooray for a ward friend and Babycenter emails for alerting me to the recall! Honestly these cribs weren't in ideal condition, my kids are rough on furniture. Ask my living room couches and kitchen table--it looks like we are living in a hovel based on our furnishings. We're just going to replace when they are older. Anywho, I was hoping to piece together enough pieces to make 1 usable crib and Lowell was ready to just buy new for this baby. The fact that the cribs were even in storage was due to a lot of pushing on my part--my wonderful husband doesn't like clutter and doesn't like to store anything--he wanted to just chuck it all as soon as we moved the boys to big boy beds. For once, I was right (yes hon, I said for once, that means you are most often right). Due to the recall, Baby Depot accepted both of our used cribs and refunded us their entire purchase price! Can you believe that!?! I couldn't but now I have a gift card with $600+ on it to spend on little sister. She is going to get all new stuff! I am so happy. We need a new crib of course which will take a substantial portion of that, but now I can also get a new car seat (I think ours is expired), single stroller, etc. What a relief. We have set some of the tax return aside for such purchases but this eases things up a little and we can replace some other house items that need it as well. The Lord truly loves us.
So, shortly thereafter Grandma was over (such a big thanks to Lowell's mom and sis) and we were headed out the door. Me a little reluctantly, it is so hard to leave the boys, but I am glad we got to get away. I got my Cinnabon to eat on the plane and before we knew it we were in LA. I was pretty anxious as we arrived, I always forget what a bad traveler I am. I have a lot of anxiety in new places and around unfamilar people. LA is down right terrifying for me. Lowell was chill though so we got through the airport, got our rental car (more on that in a sec) and hurried to the nearest beach in hopes of getting there before sunset.
And then I came to work, that should bring us back up to date. But what a full great week! Tomorrow I have my traditional mother's day lunch with my mom at the Trellis Cafe (at the Gardens again)--love it! Plus a soccer game and hopefully going to Lagoon. And Sunday will be more Mother's Day activities, with Lowell's family.
Here's a dilemma for you all. So my dad and I disagree on punishment styles. We refrain from hitting the kids, reserving it for severe circumstances and use time outs and discussions where possible. My dad thinks we are too easy on the kids and their "bad behavior" is a reflection of our poor parenting. I remember being scared of my dad as a kid and pretty well being beaten frequently by him. I don't agree with his approach. I feel judgement on our disciplining of our kids from more than just my dad, but I don't know that everyone understands the challenge that is there. ADHD kids have a hard time with impulse control and understanding the consequences of their actions. That could also be said of a lot of "normal" 4 year olds. You can't expect a 4 year old to remember what is right and wrong all the time. We work with them, we use discipline every single day. It is exasperating how often the boys are in time out or are being scolded. Anyway, my dad knows my stance on this, with the major caveat being, please do not hit my kids. That is something we reserve for our own judgement. So my dad took the boys to their soccer game while we were out of town and pretty much as soon as they walked back in the door, Davis told Lowell's mom that Grandpa smacked him. (It was about the first thing he said to us when we got home as well). My dad confirmed this to Lowell's mom and then went on to say how he has to discipline the kids because his daughter won't. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law were pretty upset about it, but what can they say? My sister who was there confirmed that Davis had opened the door while the car was stopped (parked), but was to be moving again soon. They aren't great in unfamilar cars, lots of things to push and the drivers often don't know all the child locks. Regardless, Davis should not have done that, and he does know better. However, my dad's reaction was overboard he screamed at him and slapped him twice in the face. He says it wasn't hard, but my sister said she could hear it from the front seat. So . . .I don't even know how to approach this. My dad has crossed a line that I have already discussed with him. He has defended his actions and degraded me as a parent. He insists that Davis will "never do that again" because he will remember being hit and know better next time. Not a chance, sorry, I wish it was that easy. Right now all I have decided is that my dad certainly can not be left alone with my kids, including those yet unborn. I have not spoken to him about it, and right now I am thinking we'll just have a time out where he doesn't see us for a while. They don't ever babysit them without us, this was a first in a long time, so there's no real loss except that the boys have enjoyed spending time with him with me present. Any thoughts???
Thanks again for reading, loves to the blogger world.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Battle Creek Falls
Saturday last week became the day that didn't go as well as it could have. The boys second soccer game was okay, but not great. They lost 8-4 (they didn't notice and that is a guess on the score, no one keeps track). The hardest thing was just getting them on the field and keeping them there and playing. It was very frustrating to me to watch Carter just sit down in the middle of the field and refuse to play. He later told me he was scared of the other team, so I am trying to help them not be scared and know it is just a game--they just need to go out and run and kick and have fun. My overly-competitive nature gets the better of me though and I want to freak out at my kid picking his nose on the field while the ball rolls right past him (Davis). Chillax, the other moms helped me last week, noting how lots of kids struggle and just getting them started is important. And reminding me we put them in soccer for more than just learning soccer or winning games, it is about socialization, following directions, and taking direction from an adult other than their parent. And all those factors have shown improvement.
Next we went to Dutch Days and it just wasn't as cool as last year. Maybe we just went too early, but the Dutch store stand didn't have anything worth buying and the crowds were pretty thick already. I wanted to yell at all the people and let them know the gardens are gorgeous all summer and they should come back on one of the lovely evenings we enjoy there as almost the only people in the place, but I guess I'll just avoid the busy time and enjoy the rest of the summer to myself. They did have a craft station where the boys painted a wooden shoe and then put a flower in it for oma and grandma. So that was fun. I am just now remembering that last Saturday the soccer game started early and I had done back to back call nights before that. My tiredness may explain why the day didn't seem too bright to me . . .
So the last thing planned for last Saturday was Lagoon, but again--that didn't go as well as planned, it didn't happen at all. I went home and slept for 4 hours instead. It would have been nice to enjoy a less busy day at Lagoon, but I will concede that I needed the rest. My body is pretty demanding these days, but my mood reflects my willingness to listen to it.
Sunday was home teaching and visiting teaching and a visit to my family (and fairly pleasant).
Then Monday, thanks to Hillary we enjoyed the only good weather day by hiking to Battle Creek Falls. We did this hike twice last year and it was as enjoyable as I remember. Short, easy hike (a few somewhat strenuous parts) to a lovely waterfall. And close to drive to, hooray! Here are the pics: