Wow did we have a full Easter schedule. Last year the munchkins were only 18 months old and we pretty much just did a small family thing. This year we had photos with the Easter Bunny, the UVMOM (twin club) play group Easter egg hunt, our little family hunt with presents, the Thanksgiving Point Easter Eggstreme, the extended family egg hunt, and finally dying eggs. The kids literally have candy coming out of their ears! This morning they both grabbed their baskets and were ready to go, keep the candy coming! I also hit the after-Easter sales yesterday more for Lowell and I than anything--I didn't buy us any treats ahead of time planning for this, but I did pick up a few more bags for the boys. They haven't finished their Halloween candy yet let alone the Dutch Christmas or Christmas candy, but yes, now they have a HUGE bag of filed eggs to work on. Oh well, they have a sweet tooth like their Mama, we'll just hope they don't have my rotten teeth :). And the reason they have so much candy is that I am pretty tight with it, they get one treat before nap every day and that is pretty much a bribe to get them to nap. It's 3 hours of quiet and it is absolutely worth it! I've been trying to post a video of their week but haven't been successful, if you look me up on facebook, I have it posted there. I have to add some notes on the photos--all the dog shots are because yes, we have a dog Easter egg hunt every year too. We are in the midst of installing a new swingset, so there are some pics of the boys playing on it and it looks pretty unsafe--they are being watched and they are surprisingly cautious. I am happy to say the walls are almost all in now so I can relax about that a little. Oh and before you say it, yep, they're spoiled. 'Nuff said!
Okay, there is lots more to this story but it is going to have to wait until next time . . .