Friday, November 8, 2013


Should I shoot for a whole year later? Ugh! And no I don't remember a lot of this now, really need to get on the ball and do these sooner. Goal for me, to catch up! But I still want to get some of this on here for my printed blog journal, so here goes. Last winter was bitter bitter cold! Inversion hit bad and we were less than 0 for a huge chunk of time. The kids couldn't even go play outside between cold and air quality for like 40 days. Ick. *Hoping* this year is tons better. Here are some ways we kept ourselves busy and we passed through that time and headed for Spring.

Daddy took the boys to a Monster truck show. Seems like they enjoyed it, but were kind of under the weather at the time, and the most common response about it was that it was loud.

We finished out our zoo pass with a couple winter visits, it really is my favorite time to go. Might renew that pass here some time soon.

With all the cold, there was certainly snow to go around. :)

And visits to frozen lakes are an option (this year already formulating an escape plan out of the snow).

We ran around with dollar store prizes:

And C lost some teeth (yes 2 at a time, same day at school).

Claire loves her whatever toy she is obsessed with at the moment (turtles from the $ store here)

And the tooth fairy made an appearance with some shiny money.

We paid a visit to the Leornardo museum in Salt Lake. It was ok. The kids found some fun things to do but I won't be getting a pass there. It wasn't terribly busy but it was still hard to do some of the things the kids would have liked to have done.

Davis being silly

And bring on Valentine's Day! Addressing valentines:

V Day salad (I think this was actually for my cousin's farewell the Sunday before)

V Day hair

Cake pops for twin mom valentine's day party.

Yay for sledding! See, the cold can be useful--the last winter it was so slushy that you had to stop in the middle of the run to get over the hills. Not so this year. It was fast and cold, the boys didn't last that long but it was a good time.

And more Valentine's Day--now the actual day. We had a fun breakfast, lunch, and dinner and some presents and cute outfits. Really reaching for highlights in such a cold time.

More fun, playing with dollies

And dry ice


And climbing on new shelves for Claire's room

Visiting the new Provo Tabernacle Temple (kind of hard to see but the whole thing is on stilts. So amazing, they took the whole underneath out to replace it suspending the existing structure above).

And Muddy shoes

Toy collections

And finally a trip to the gardens. Before it was open but as things began to thaw.

A glorious gift from the tax return fairy! A hot tub! Oh how we love it, seriously still use it almost every day. I am a stickler to the no swimming on Sunday rule and the boys don't always have time in their busy days but I put Claire in before nap a good portion of the days (it helps her to sleep!) and Lowell and I soak in there a lot of my days off as well. Nice place to relax and visit. These pics are extra sweet as well.

Hike to the frozen Battle Creek Falls (can you tell how desperate I was to get past winter!!) It was actually a decent hike, muddy but the frozen falls were really cool. We could stand right on top of them and hear the water flowing beneath.

So there you have it, February and March 2013. I have a few posts of pictures saved that I need to add text too, so these are out of order but just getting some of them in. :)

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